#exporter #table

If you have specific information in your calendar events that you want to use, you can get them using Tackle TimeSheet. You can add or remove the data fields that you want to see in your spreadsheet. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to any of the "Event" pages and switch to “Table View”.


  1. Choose the calendar/s that you want to merge and download and select the date range.


  1. Select "Column" from this page.


  1. You can choose data fields from "Basic Fields" or "Attendee Fields". The selected fields will appear in the Spreadsheet in a separate column.


  1. You can also filter events based on specific characteristics like all-day events, attendees, organizers, declined events, or tags.

  2. You can modify the format of the tables to make it easier to read the data by selecting "Formatting" and adjusting the data structure.


That's it! You're all set to get the specific information that you need from your calendar events.